Postdoc Training Program

The Postdoc Talent Management Training offer is tailor-made for postdocs to support them in their professional and career development .

Postdoc talent management - workshops designed for & by postdocs

  • Stress management: how to prevent and reduce stress

  • Agile leadership skills for postdoctoral researchers
  • Career design 1: explore yourself

  • Career design 2: explore the labour market
  • Career design 3: brand yourself
  • Storytelling: how to communicate with impact

  • Creativity: how to get more creative ideas

  • Positive Focus: how to boost your professional confidence

How to register

Go to Talent Management (UTOP)  and register for the course of your choice. 

Each course is organized several times a year. If the course is complete, you can register for the waiting list.

 To register smoothly, you must be connected to the UGent network via vpn or via Athena.

Important to know before you register for the Postdoc Talent Management workshops

All courses are free of charge, but not for Ghent University! Registration involves a commitment and professional attitude:

  • You subscribe for all sessions of a course. Workshops cannot be taken separately.
  • Late cancellations or not showing up may limit your chances of attending other courses in the future.

All courses are in English. In case all participants are native Dutch-speaking, the course will be in Dutch.

Training courses on Academic Funding

The Ghent University Funding Academy works as a one-stop-shop for all activities organised to inform, train, and advise researchers in developing grant proposals. Its overall aim is to make available existing expertise, level knowledge and skills for all researchers, and increase the quality of grant writing. 

Other useful workshops (not all free of charge)


Nel Grillaert

Career Development Office - Department of Personnel and Organization
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
9000 Gent