PhD Student

Last application date
Jan 31, 2025 00:00
WE05 - Department of Physics and Astronomy
Limited duration
Master's degree in Astronomy or Physics (or equivalent)
Occupancy rate
Vacancy type
Research staff

Job description

We are opening positions for two PhD students in Ghent University within the field of theoretical stellar astrophysics under the supervision of Prof. Pablo Marchant. Successful candidates will be part of the astronomy group of the department of physics and astronomy of Ghent University (

Research will be done within the framework of the ERC Starting Grant project Star-Grasp, which aims to constrain the formation processes of gravitational wave sources by combining theoretical modelling of stellar populations with observations of intermediate evolutionary stages. Successful applicants will carry out extensive computer simulations of single and binary star evolution from birth to the possible coalescence of compact objects, design new methods to efficiently compute the evolution of stars, and develop techniques to perform comparisons against large observational datasets.


  • We offer a full-time position as a doctoral fellow, consisting of an initial period of 12 months, which - after a positive evaluation, will be extended to a total maximum of 48 months.
  • Your contract will start on 1st of September, but start date can be negotiated (not later than the 1st of November 2025 or earlier than the 1st of August 2025).
  • The fellowship amount is 100% of the net salary of an AAP memer in equal family circumstances. The individual fellowship amount is determined by the Department of Personnel and Organization based on family status and seniority. A grant that meets the conditions and criteria of the regulations for doctoral fellowships is considered free of personal income tax. Click here for more information about our salary scales
  • All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, bicycle allowance and eco vouchers. Click here for a complete overview of all the staff benefits.

Job profile

Candidates are expected to be in possession of a Master degree in Astronomy or Physics (or equivalent) by the start of the position. Proficiency in english is also a requirement. Knowledge and/or research experience on theoretical astrophysics, gravitational wave astrophysics, computer simulations and programming are strong assets but not a mandatory requirement for the position.

How to apply

As part of the application you should submit the following documents:

  • A CV including any publications or research activities.
  • A motivation letter (1 page).
  • A transcript of courses taken and their grades within bachelor and master studies.
  • Contact information of at least two persons who can provide anonymous recommendation letters (these will only be contacted after an initial short-list is made)

Preference will be given to applications submitted before the 31st of January, but will be kept open until an appropriate candidate is found. Interviews will be carried online during the Month of February with decisions made in early March. All documents should be submitted via email to (and questions regarding the conditions of the position and the research that will be carried out are also welcome). To ensure your applications are received please indicate as a subject line "Application for PhD positions of the Star-Grasp project: ".