Proof through a diploma
The required level of proficiency in the language of instruction can be demonstrated as follows: Language proficiency is presumed to be present if the staff member concerned a bachelor's or master's or doctoral degree has obtained at an institution where that language is the language of instruction.
- The diploma in Dutch-language secondary education is also accepted as a presumption of language proficiency,
- or an English-language secondary school diploma or a bachelor's or master's degree or doctorate awarded by an English-language institution is also accepted.
Clarification concerns the ‘institution where that language is the language of instruction’.
There are 4 criteria that must be met by the diploma at the same time:
- The level of the diploma is equivalent to a Flemish diploma
- The higher education institution awarding the diploma is an educational institution recognized by the local government
- The staff member obtained the diploma after training in the language of instruction, which is also the language for which the staff member seeks to demonstrate proficiency. The supporting document is the diploma and diploma supplement.
- The institution where the diploma was obtained uses the language in question as the working or official language.
What if the official language cannot be identified or demonstrated?
In that case, the teachers of the institution determine which mother tongue is used. This criterion is checked against the spoken language of the population of the region in the country where the diploma is obtained. In the event that the language of instruction or the official language of the institution cannot be demonstrated, the diploma is accepted insofar as it was obtained in a country where it is an official language and at the same time the inhabitants are native speakers of the official language.
Examples accepted diploma’s:
- Dutch language knowledge can be proven by a diploma from a Flemish or Dutch high school, bachelor, master or doctoral degree.
- English language knowledge can be proven by a diploma from a English, Canadian, American, Australian high school, bachelor, master or doctoral degree.
Examples not accepted diploma’s:
- A doctoral diploma written in English at Ghent University. It is not accepted for English as Ghent University is not an English language institution and the spoken language is not English. Dutch language knowledge is also not accepted as the PhD is written in English
- An English Master diploma from an Higher education institution in Italy.
- An English master diploma from Pakistan: however the working language might be English, the majority of the population of the country does not speak English.
An equivalent diploma can also be accepted:
- a master's degree in linguistics and literature or applied linguistics with English in the language combination
- a diploma of Master of Teaching in Languages where English is the studied language
- a diploma of Bachelor of Teaching in secondary education where English is at least one of the two chosen educational subjects
If a diploma cannot foreseen, the language knowledge is not proven and a language test for Dutch (administrative and/or teaching language ) or English (teaching language) is required. In case of doubts about the 4 criteria to be met by the diploma, the internal experts of Functional domain Education will be consulted for advice, and/or the government commissioner.