PhD defenses
The following list provides an overview of all upcoming PhD defenses at Ghent University. The specified links refer to our Dutch website.
Revisiting the molecular basis for ectopic mineralization, using pseudoxanthoma elasticum as a model
Jan 21- Faculty
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Doctoral candidate
- Shana Verschuere
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de gezondheidswetenschappen
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Olivier Vanakker, Vakgroep Biomoleculaire Geneeskunde – prof. Paul Coucke, Vakgroep Biomoleculaire Geneeskunde
Study on Air Entrainment Dynamics and Flame Behaviour in Horizontal Diffusion Jet Fires
Jan 22- Faculty
- Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
- Doctoral candidate
- Jiang Lyu
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: Fire Safety Engineering
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Bart Merci, vakgroep Bouwkundige Constructies en Bouwmaterialen - prof. Longhua Hu, University of Science and Technology of China, China - dr. ir. Georgios Maragkos, vakgroep Bouwkundige Constructies en Bouwmaterialen
The small intestinal redox status and its bioenergetics in piglets during the weaning transition.
Jan 22- Faculty
- Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
- Doctoral candidate
- Yuhuang Hou
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: Dierwetenschappen en Aquacultuur
- Promotor(s)
- Prof. dr. Jeroen Degroote (Promotor admin), BW22 - Prof. dr. ir. Stefaan De Smet (Promotor), BW22
Unlocking the potential of thio-substituted cyclic imino ethers: from monomer synthesis to post-polymerization modification and selective hydrolysis
Jan 22- Faculty
- Faculty of Sciences
- Doctoral candidate
- Emiel Pattyn
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de wetenschappen: chemie
- Promotor(s)
- prof. dr. Richard Hoogenboom, WE07 - prof. dr. Niek Sanders, DI07
Accelerating Molecular Simulation Using Machine Learning: From Wave Functions to Thermodynamics
Jan 22- Faculty
- Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
- Doctoral candidate
- Sander Vandenhaute
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: toegepaste natuurkunde
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Veronique Van Speybroeck, vakgroep Toegepaste Fysica & vakgroep Fysica en Sterrenkunde
Advanced Analyses of Laterally Loaded Offshore Wind Turbines in Combination with Monitoring Data
Jan 22- Faculty
- Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
- Doctoral candidate
- Anis Kheffache
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Peter Troch, vakgroep Civiele Techniek - prof. Bruno Stuyts, vakgroep Civiele Techniek
Electromagnetic Modeling for Minimally Invasive Medical Devices: In-Body Sensors and Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Jan 22- Faculty
- Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
- Doctoral candidate
- Tom Van de Steene
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: biomedische ingenieurstechnieken
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Emmeric Tanghe, vakgroep Informatietechnologie - prof. Wout Joseph, vakgroep Informatietechnologie
Hit the road: Navigating study paths in higher education
Jan 23- Faculty
- Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
- Doctoral candidate
- Sofie Van Cauwenberghe
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de psychologie
- Promotor(s)
- Administratief promotor: prof. dr. Nicolas Dirix, vakgroep Experimentele Psychologie - promotor: prof. dr. Wouter Duyck, vakgroep Experimentele Psychologie (PP02)
Sustaining and adapting cognitive effort
Jan 23- Faculty
- Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
- Doctoral candidate
- Susanne Tabitha Steendam
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de psychologie
- Promotor(s)
- Administratief promotor: prof. dr. Nico Böhler, vakgroep Experimentele Psychologie (PP02) - Promotor: Prof. dr. Roeljan Wiersma, vakgroep Experimenteel-Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie (PP05)
Essays on Taxation and Corporate Social Responsibility
Jan 23- Faculty
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Doctoral candidate
- Catherine Acosta Garcia
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen
- Promotor(s)
- Prof. dr. Isabelle Verleyen, vakgroep Accountancy, Bedrijfsfinanciering en Fiscaliteit - Prof. dr. Annelies Roggeman, vakgroep Accountancy, Bedrijfsfinanciering en Fiscaliteit
Microbial flow cytometry reveals responses of the oral microbiota to antimicrobial treatment.
Jan 23- Faculty
- Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
- Doctoral candidate
- Fabian Mermans
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen
- Promotor(s)
- Prof. dr. ir. Nico Boon (Promotor admin), BW25 - Prof. dr. Wim Teughels (Promotor), KU Leuven
Radiomics, radiogenomics and artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal radiology
Jan 23- Faculty
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Doctoral candidate
- Thomas Van Den Berghe
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de gezondheidswetenschappen
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Koenraad Verstraete, Vakgroep Diagnostische Wetenschappen – prof. Lennart Jans, Vakgroep Diagnostische Wetenschappen – dr. Julie Dutoit, AZ Groeninge, Courtrai
La gramaticalización del futuro y el condicional en iberorromance medieval. Variación diatópica, difusión geográfica y contacto lingüístico
Jan 24- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
- Doctoral candidate
- Antoine Primerano
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de taalkunde
- Promotor(s)
- Prof. dr. Claudia Crocco, LW06 - Prof. dr. Miriam Bouzouita, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Duitsland
Influence of Multivalent Ions on the Electrical Conductivity of Slags
Jan 24- Faculty
- Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
- Doctoral candidate
- Pieter-Jan Boeykens
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: materiaalkunde
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Kim Verbeken, vakgroep Materialen, Textiel en Chemische Proceskunde - prof. Inge Bellemans, vakgroep Materialen, Textiel en Chemische Proceskunde
Chains of Intermediaries in Shareholding in Listed Companies: a comparative legal analysis of the corporate law issues arising from intermediation and potential remedies.
Jan 24- Faculty
- Faculty of Law and Criminology
- Doctoral candidate
- Louise Van Marcke
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de rechten
- Promotor(s)
- Prof, Hans De Wulf, RE21
How capable do I feel?” School principals’ self-efficacy in relation to job characteristics and burnout.
Jan 27- Faculty
- Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
- Doctoral candidate
- Lore Bellemans
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de pedagogische wetenschappen
- Promotor(s)
- Administratief promotor: Prof. dr. Melissa Tuytens, vakgroep Onderwijskunde (PP06) - Promotor: Prof. dr. Geert Devos, vakgroep Onderwijskunde (PP06)
Expanding the toolbox of quorum sensing switches toward the creation of two-stage fermentation processes.
Jan 27- Faculty
- Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
- Doctoral candidate
- Jasmine De Baets
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: Biotechnologie
- Promotor(s)
- Prof. dr. ir. Marjan De Mey (Promotor admin), BW25 - Dr. ir. Brecht De Paepe (Promotor), BW25
The Poet–Monk Taixu and His Imagery World
Jan 27- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
- Doctoral candidate
- Xiaoxiao Xu
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de Oosterse talen en culturen (UGent) - Doctor of Human Sciences (Università degli studi di Perugia)
- Promotor(s)
- Prof. dr. Ann Heirman, LW21 - Prof. dr. Ester Bianchi, Università degli Studi di Perugia
Improving the risk-benefit ratio of breast cancer radiotherapy: Advancing deep inspiration breath-hold, positioning and accelerated hypofractionation
Jan 27- Faculty
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Doctoral candidate
- Vincent Vakaet
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de gezondheidswetenschappen
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Liv Veldeman, Vakgroep Structuur en Herstel van de Mens – prof. Marc Coppens, Vakgroep Fundamentele en Toegepaste Medische Wetenschappen – prof. Wilfried De Neve, Vakgroep Structuur en Herstel van de Mens
Tackling school-related sedentary behaviour among adolescents
Jan 27- Faculty
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Doctoral candidate
- Veerle Van Oeckel
- Academic degree
- Doctor in de gezondheidswetenschappen
- Promotor(s)
- prof. Maïté Verloigne, Vakgroep Volksgezondheid en Eerstelijnszorg – prof. Benedicte Deforche, Vakgroep Volksgezondheid en Eerstelijnszorg