Rental invoice and deposit

Information regarding the invoice and deposit for the University Ghent Halls of Residence.

Your rental invoice


You will receive an invoice each month, each time for the following month separately, by email. 
Please note our deposit, which is charged on your first invoice. 

The invoice date and due date are always the same for all residents, except the first bill, which is sent to you shortly upon check-in.
Neither the first rent, nor the deposit should be paid before check-in. 
Please note that after receipt of the invoice, the tenant has 30 days to fulfill the payment and modifications are not possible.


The monthly rental fee is always the same, depending on the type of accommodation. 
Only the first and last bill could be slightly different, e.g. in case the start date of your tenancy agreement was in February or September. 
In case your agreement did not contain the full month, the rental fee on your invoice will be adjusted according to your rental agreement.


Invoices can only be made in name of the tenant, never a third party (like your home institution).
However, please take note that anyone can pay these bills.
As long as the unique structural reference number (which is the same as the invoice number) is mentioned, any transfer from any account will be accepted as payment.

Which period?

On each invoice, you can find the period for which the rent was billed for.
This information can be found just below the general info and data bar on the bill.

Payment options?

Payment with VISA or MasterCard is only available for PhD students, Staff members or visitors to our University, staying here only for a short period.

Students have two main options to pay the invoices: by bank transfer or by cash in a post office. Please always keep in mind that fees or outbound rates may apply.

To whom?

As will be mentioned on the invoice:
Beneficiary: Universiteit Gent, Sint- Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Gent
Bank + address: ING Kouter 173, 9000 Gent
Account nr.: 390-0965801-27
IBAN: BE48390096580127


If you have any questions about the invoice you received, please contact 

Always mention your student or personnel number (or in case you are a visitor: your room number), this allows us to process your questions more quickly and effectively.

Overview of my payments?

You can easily do so via Oasis (only applicable for students) by selecting "financial" in the left column. There you can find a detailed overview regarding all your invoices. Due to the large number of residents in the University Halls of Residence, we do not check receipt of payments. 
Only in case of payment problems, can check your account.

PhD-students, staff and visitors who live in a single studio can pay their invoice by credit card at the reception desk in Home Vermeylen. We accept Visa or MasterCard.

Your deposit


You will receive an invoice for each month separately, sent to you shortly upon check-in by email. 
The deposit for the room, key(ss) and badge(s) is charged on your first invoice. 

Please note that after receipt of the invoice, the tenant has 30 days to fulfill the payment.


You may expect the refund within 2 months after termination of the tenancy agreement on the bank account, mentioned on OASIS

Please note that the reimbursement of the deposit is an automatic process, so please verify your bank details and change them if needed.
You will be able to register a new account once you have put an end date on the existing account. If your deposit can be refunded to the account you provided in your application, nothing needs to be changed.

In case you do not have access to OASIS, please forward the following details to 
Full name of tenant
Address of tenant
UGent-(student)number (You can find this on each invoice): 90000*****
Holder of the account
Name and address from the bank
SWIFT-code from your bank
IBAN-number from your account