Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen - TRANSUNIV

Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen

In TRANSUNIV (2018-2020), six academic partners join forces to better integrate the labour markets in northern France, Wallonia and Flanders. The project is coordinated by CoMUE Lille Nord de France and has as partners Ghent University, KU Leuven Campus Kulak, UCL Campus Mons, the University of Mons and the University of Namur.

- French and Dutch summary -

Description of the project

TRANSUNIVThe TRANSUNIV project aims to build a long-term cooperation between the partner universities and the socio-economic actors in the cross-border region France-Wallonia-Flanders. Students and young researchers from the partner institutions will be able to participate in numerous activities that prepare them for cross-border labour mobility.


These are the objectives of TRANSUNIV:
•    The mobility of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in academic and non-academic organizations in the cross-border region through co-financed internships and short research stays.
•    The organization of job fairs for PhD researchers and job days or weeks for students to strengthen the cross-curricular and international competencies of the participants.
•    The organization of transferable skills seminars for doctoral researchers to sharpen their career skills.
•    The organization of innovative seminars – i.e. residential seminars that bring together young researchers and socio-economic actors to tackle issues that have been identified as strategic and with high potential for innovation.

    Role of Ghent University

    Ghent University will actively engage in mobility calls, organize a job fair and host skills seminars and innovative seminars. In particular, Ghent University will transfer its expertise to organize a job fair (Job Market for Young Researchers) to the partner institutions.


    WEBSITE: under construction


    Prof. dr. Ignace Lemahieu
    Research Department

    Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen