Interreg France -Wallonie - Vlaanderen - TRANSFIRM


Description of the project

The Euroregion is opening its borders through an Interreg project that promotes the development of cross-border business activities. The Interreg project "TRANSFIRM, students entrepreneurs without borders" settles in Hauts-de-France, Wallonia and Flanders. Launched in December 2018 and running until December 2021, the aim of this project is to promote the development of cross-border activities by students with business plans.

The TRANSFIRM project is the result of the desire to unite higher education institutions in northern France, Wallonia and Flanders to encourage students to become entrepreneurial and to support projects under development.

In the area in question, numerous, diverse training courses are provided, which are increasingly specialising in entrepreneurship for students.

Our aim is to concentrate the economic infrastructure on the border between France and Belgium, to develop the cross-border mobility of students and to make provision for permanent support for student-entrepreneurs and young graduates from the three regions.

Dutch summary

TRANSFIRM – studentenondernemerschap zonder grenzen

Het TRANSFIRM-project is gegroeid uit de wil om hogeronderwijsinstellingen uit drie grondgebieden – Noord-Frankrijk, Picardisch Wallonië en Vlaanderen – te verenigen om de studenten voor het ondernemerschap te sensibiliseren, goede praktijken inzake begeleiding uit te wisselen en de begeleidende structuren, de docenten en de studenten-ondernemers van dit grensoverschrijdende gebied met elkaar in contact te brengen.



Prof. Jan Detand
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design

Met de steun van de provincie West-Vlaanderen