Intake and introduction at the workplace

Intake at Human Resources

The Welcome team invites all Ghent University staff members to their office. They assist you to get started and are your contact at arrival for:

  • Signing your contract (if applicable)
  • Getting your Ghent University staff card
  • Information about your position at Ghent University, holidays, illness, work-related travel, ...
  • Your registration at Ghent city hall. They guide you through the registration procedure if you are new in Belgium.
  • Information about the health insurance and hospitalisation insurance

Introduction at the workplace

At faculty level you are welcomed by the head of the department or your supervisor, who introduces you to your colleagues. A buddy will also be assigned to you for the more informal aspects of your professional stay. This checklist assists you during the first few days at your workplace.

Collective welcome

New staff members are invited at set times for a collective welcome. The rector or vice-rector welcomes you and informs you on general aspects of working at Ghent University.


Welcome Team

Rectoraat, 1st floor, office 016
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
9000 Gent

Opening hours: 9.00 - 12.00, 13.00 - 16.00