Panel discussion ‘Science and War’
Ideally, academia should be an open world where exchange of knowledge happens at all times and at all places, where researchers collaborate generating data and answering scientific questions. Conflicts and war within and between countries are unfortunately still a reality in 2023. This has serious impacts on the mobility and the collaboration pacts for scientists. As part of the Ghent University Diversity & Inclusion Month in March 2023, the Faculty of Sciences Diversity Team and Biology students are hosting an event on the impact of war on science and researchers.
We will start the afternoon with two lectures about the impact of war on biodiversity, since many researchers in the sciences work with living organisms and for them in situ access is often indispensable. In the panel discussion that follows we bring together PhD students, (senior) scientists and project leaders of different nationalities to share their informed perspectives and experiences of the interaction of science and war in their lives and research.
14:00-16:00 Lectures on Biodiversity and War
16:00-18:00 Panel discussion on Science and War
Followed by a closing reception.
Peter Verlinden (VRT)
Adrian Garside (Marjan Centre for the Study of Conflict and the Environment, King’s College London)
Olesya Petrovych (WWF Ukraine)
Prof. Dr. Amaury Frankl (UGent)
Emnet Negash (UGent)
Tuesday 28th of March from 14:00 to 18:00.
GUM, Forumzaal (4de verdiep), Karel Lodewijk Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Gent
For whom
Accessible for everyone (inside and outside UGhent)
Free admission but registration is required via the following link
Prof. dr. Mieke Verbeken: