Program Summer School Environmental Justice and Transformative Futures



Various academic and non-academic experts will explore different themes around creating a socially just future within the ecological limits of our planet. After each lecture, there will be room for questions and interdisciplinary discussion. See the schedule below for more info on time and date.

  • Introduction to Planetary Boundaries & Climate Change - Jorn Van de Velde - Auditorium A, Technicum
  • Political Ecologies and Diverse Economies - Jonas Vanderslycken - Auditorium A, Technicum
  • Environmental Justice & Indigenous Struggle - Allan Souza Queiroz - Auditorium A, Technicum

  • Decolonisation & Eco-feminism - Philsan Osman - Auditorium A, Technicum

  • History of Action & Resistance - Erik Paredis - Auditorium D, Technicum
  • Stories about Climate - Pieter Maeseele - Auditorium D - Technicum
  • Global Justice & Eco-social Transitions - Mary Ann Manahan- Auditorium D - Technicum

All lectures will take place in Auditorium A and D at Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent -3. Colleagues and students wishing to join for one or more lectures are welcome.

Workshop tracks

In the workshop tracks, you work intensively with a smaller group of students on one theme in depth guided by experts. On Friday, the different groups present their learning process to the other students.

The different workshop tracks are:

  1. Parlement of Things (`Dutch)
  2. Reimagining Housing and Living
  3. Cross-Solidarity Struggles
  4. Diverse & Fair Economies

Speeddates & Field trips

During the speeddates, you will have the chance to ask questions in small groups to people who are already working on degrowth or climate in their work, engagements, daily life, ...

On Thursday, two excursions are planned along various initiatives that are already putting a transformative future into practice

Keynote lecture

In this lecture, Kes Otter Lieffe shows what we can learn from the complex ecology around us. She highlights the intersections between the struggles of queer people and nature. Discover how knowledge about nature can not only empower marginalized communities but also how solidarity and mutual aid can change the narrative about how to live in this world.

Week schedule


Monday 16/09

Tuesday 17/09

Wednesday 18/09

Thursday 19/09

Friday 20/09


Teambuilding &
group agreements 

Lecture: Environmental Justice & Indigenous Struggle


Tour of alternatives



Planetary Boundaries
& Climate Change

Lecture: Decolonisation & eco-feminism


Tour of alternatives

Prepare for presentations




Lecture: Political Ecologies and Diverse Economies  


Lecture: History of
Action & Resistance

Lecture: Stories about Climate



Discussion & Reflection



Lecture: Global Justice & Eco-social Transitions

End reflection and closure


 Books & informal meet-up (optional)


Kes Otter Lieffe

Informal meet-up (optional)

Book launch: Geopolitics of Green Colonialism (optional)

Informal meet-up (optional)


The summer school will take place in English. One workshop trajectory will take place in Dutch.


All lectures will take place in Auditorium A - Jean Norbert Cloquet Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent -3 (Directions)

The workshops and speed dates will also take place in Technicum -3 in various rooms there (Directions).

The Keynote will take place in Auditorium 3 - Suzanne Lilar, Blandijn (Directions).