Subsidy train, bus and boat tickets
Subsidy for train, bus and boat tickets
Train and bus trips are subsidized by 30 EUR for tickets > 100 EUR or subsidized by 100 EUR for tickets > 200 EUR.
Income subsidies
In the context of the sustainable travel policy, a CO2 contribution of 50 EUR/ton CO2 is collected. This is done directly through the framework contract with Unigloble. For flights booked outside the framework contract, the CO2 contribution will be additionally collected by UGent.
This contribution serves for:
- direct CO2 compensation via certified (or well-monitored) afforestation projects or nature restoration projects
- subsidizing international train or bus tickets
- The provision of 'living labs', which are set up at UGent in connection with the climate plan, together with UGent academics and policy staff.
Transition period for subsidy payment
Staff members of Ghent University who claim the provision can send an email to the Environment department with the following information:
- Ticket(s) booked
- Contact person
- 'Kostendrager'
The Department of Environment and The Department of Finance will take care of the payment of the subsidy.
Future (expected by March 2022)
Reimbursement will be automatic by the new SPLIT web tool for submitting expenses.
More information will follow later.