ERC grant holders

Funded under Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

Starting Grants

Principal Investigator
ERC panel
Acronym Title
Nick Bultinck PE3 SIESS Strongly interacting electrons in synthetic superlattices
Kim Calders PE10 SPACETWIN Digital twins for understanding forest disturbances and recovery from space
Emilie Caspar SH4 DISOBEY The Disobedient Brain: The social neuroscience of non-compliance to immoral orders
Samuël Coghe SH6 CATTLEFRONTIERS (Post)Colonial Cattle Frontiers: Capitalism, Science and Empire in Southern and Central Africa, 1890s-1970s
Caroline De Tender LS9 MiCoS Microplastic contamination in agricultural soil ecosystems and the effect on soil and plant health
Bouke de Vries SH5 Ethics of Loneliness The Ethics of Loneliness and Sociability
Pieter Geiregat PE4 NOMISS Nanomaterials for Infrared Silicon Photonics
Thomas Jacobs (VIB) LS2 OMEGA Developing technologies to engineer plant genomes at the megabase scale
Gillian Mathys SH6 VIOLENCE WORK Violence work: Creating and Contesting Colonial Authority on the Ground in Africa through Everyday
Paul Michael Kurtz SH5 PhiSci Philology as Science in 19th-Century Europe
Thomas Mertens BHHQG Black Hole Horizons in Quantum Gravity
Félix Sauvage LS7 DYE-LIGHT Pulsed Laser Light and Nano-encapsulated Ocular Dyes for Advanced Therapies in the Eye
Alexandra Simonenko SH4 CAUSALITY Modeling causes of language change and conservatism
Ruben Van Coile PE8 AFireTest Adaptive Fire Testing: A new foundation stone for fire safety
Kasper Van Gasse PE7 LASIQ Photonic Laser Integration for Metrology and Quantum Systems
Nicky Wybouw LS9 HYBRIPEST Unravelling the molecular-genetic underpinnings of hybrid defects in agricultural pests

Consolidator Grants

Principal Investigator
ERC panel
Acronym Title
Clara Burbano Herrera SH2 IMPACTUM Assessing the Impact of Urgent Measures in Protecting At-Risk Detainees in Latin-America
Katleen De Preter LS7 EpiGuide Tracking epigenetic plasticity in circulating tumor-derived DNA to monitor drug resistance and guide
personalized treatment in cancer patients
Bert De Rybel (VIB) LS3 PIPELINES The molecular basis of conductive and vascular tissue development in plants
Maud Devolder SH6 DAEDALOS Conceptualising Process of Monumental Architectural Creation in the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age
An Hendrix LS7 MICROBE ModulatIng Cancer therapy RespOnse using Bacterial Extracellular nanovesicles
Clara-Mihaela Ionescu PE7 AMICAS Adaptive Multi-Drug Infusion Control System for General Anesthesia during Major Surgery
Diego Miralles PE10 HEAT Hybrid dry-hot Extremes prediction and AdapTation
An Ghysels PE4 PASTIME Memory dependent PAth Sampling methods for understanding long TIMEscale molecular processes

Advanced Grants

Principal Investigator
ERC panel
Acronym Title
Lieven De Veylder (VIB) LS9 UNROPO Unlocking de novo rooting potential

Proof of Concept Grants

Principal Investigator
Acronym Title
Bart Kuyken COMb High Speed Communication Links Based on Heterogeneous Chips
Mohamed Lamkanfi (VIB) PyroScreen Targeting NLRP3-mediated inflammation with novel chemotypes
Wim Bogaerts LIQUORICE LIQuid-crystal enabled Universal Optical Reconfigurable Integrated Circuit Engineering
Pieter De Frenne MIRRA Microclimate Real-time Remote Applications

Older ERC Grants

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