Obtained diploma’s

A master or PhD might be requested for your specific position at the University. These conditions are mentioned in the vacancy. In some situations, a translation and legalization is required and equivalence from NARIC might also be requested.

Bachelor or Master requested

This information might be requested for one of following reasons:

  1. You have to provide a certain degree for the function you applied and haven’t yet provided this diploma.
  2. for NON-EEA nationals: the Single Permit application as high skilled worker
  3. As professorial staff member you can proof that you have studied in a Dutch or English native speaking institution and followed an education in one of those language. (requirements for professorial staff members only).

A colored copy of the diploma’s is required. Additional information might be relevant, but is not required. Listings of coursers and results do not be delivered. Do not forget to check the required actions on translation or validation of the documents.

PhD requested

This information might be requested for one of following reasons:

  1. You have to provide a PhD degree for the function you applied and haven’t yet provided this diploma. the requirement of obtaining a PhD might also be mentioned in the vacancy.
  2. For NON-EEA nationals: the single permit application as postdoctoral researcher. This is conditions of which cannot be deviated. If you do not yet hold your official PhD diploma, it is recommended to add all documents that proof the PhD status and add an additional letter explaining the reason why the PhD diploma itself is missing, and/or when it might be expected.

A colored copy of the diploma is required. Additional information might be relevant, but is not required. Listings of coursers and results do not be delivered. Do not forget to check the required actions on translation or validation of the documents.