Transition UGentThe think tank Transition UGent is an innovation network in which dreamers and doers come together to formulate ideas for a more sustainable university.
Transition UGent is a think tank of committed staff and students, experts and policy makers, dreamers and doers who are all convinced that Ghent University can play an important role in the field of sustainable development. The think tank serves as an open innovation network, in which you can join us in keeping the enthusiasm high, bring new actions and suggestions to the table and stay closely involved in Ghent University's sustainability policy.
'Transition UGent' writes transition plans (climate plan UGent) and monitors the progress
Last year we discovered once again how valuable the Transition UGent network is. Commissioned by the Board of Governors, we are working on a climate plan. For all relevant policy plans, ambitions are set, boundaries defined, and actions formulated. The results are monitored yearly by the Board of Governors and actions are adjusted where necessary. We work aruond CO2-reduction, climate adaptation, biodiversity and circularity. An incredible task, but we could count on many of you: from your expertise, from your engagement, from your experience in the job. It strengthens the message, the credibility, the support.
Meeting of Transition UGent on 14/11 from 12h-14h30
Hands off! Literally and figuratively.
Literally, because we will be paving the Blandijn campus to free up space for greenery and water. We will do this together with the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, which will then organise its annual COP with workshops, information stands and lectures.
And figuratively as we continue to work on that sustainable transition. By working together, we will come up with science-based answers, concrete measures and enthusiastic and inspiring stories.
Welcome to our next meeting!
14/11 from 12h to 14h30
Blandijn, main entrance
12h: Lunch by Plant a Pizza
12:30-13:00: What role can faculties take in UGent's sustainability policy? A reflection by the dean and the chairman of the sustainability committee of the Arts and Philosophy Department
13:00-14:30: Joining thematic tables:
Sustainability policy: The RVB approved a new sustainability policy framework. The targets and commitments remain in place and guide policy decisions. In addition, a roadmap must be drawn up setting out priorities for the next four years. You gave us a lot of input in June, which we used to set to work. Curious what it has become? We are happy to present sneak preview version x and listen to your feedback.
AI and sustainability: As AI's capabilities expand and accelerate, it is crucial to think ahead about both the opportunities and risks AI brings. Joni Dambre specialised in Deep learning and delved into the ethical and sustainability aspects. She explains to us what the future brings or may bring and together with her we try to establish links with UGent and see what we can do.
The role of the scientist in the climate debate: Scientists play a crucial role in the climate debate because in recent decades they have convincingly demonstrated that the earth is warming with all its consequences and that humans are responsible for this. But how do we participate in the debates about the necessary transitions, both in society and within UGent? How do we avoid polarisation and can we talk more about the pros and cons of what does work?
Reducing environmental impact in labs: Experiments were set up in several research groups in an attempt to reduce disposable plastics and the environmental impact of products, reduce volumes, use less reagents and less energy during lab work. Get inspired by (new) good practices....
Inspiration session eco-emotions: KlimaatContact vzw creates insight into ‘climate distress’ or difficult feelings around the climate crisis, and their impact on yourself. It provides concrete tools to deal with this and to support each other.
Inspiration festival sustainable university: In the spring, we see it big. We are dreaming of a full afternoon programme: the presentation of the roadmap and a wrap up of where we stand, inspiring examples at our UGent, an interesting speaker, the eco-market, a candidate rector debate on sustainability, ... Feel like brainstorming with us? Or put your shoulders to the wheel? Welcome!
Be sure to sign in! Because this time, you'll need a receipt for your pizza!
Your expertise and commitment is heartily welcome!
Do you want to join us? Come to one of our transition meetings! Send an email and we will keep you informed.