Healthy consumption

How can our lab help you reach the Green Deal goals?

The research group nutrition and health conducts innovative research on the assessment of diets, nutrition and the relationship with human health. Specific attention is paid to vulnerable groups such as women and children, including those in low- and middle-income countries. Long term expertise is available to review available evidence to guide optimal allocation of financial resources in policies and interventions. The group collaborates closely with local decision makers, as well as international agencies that are active in food and nutrition. Ongoing work includes statistical guidance on how to collect global data on diet diversity with FAO.

The research group will coordinate the Nutrition Research Facility to advise the European Commission on the use of nutrition research for development and guide the development of a research agenda to improve poor nutrition in its developmental agenda.

The group organizes a 2-year MSc program Nutrition and Rural Development and fosters equitable partnerships with researchers worldwide, including many in low-and middle-income countries through PhD research.

About our lab

The research group on nutrition and health combines expertise from food science, nutrition, nutritional epidemiology with regard to the assessment of diets, nutrition and their relationship with human health. Researchers interact closely with stakeholders at the local, national and international level to improve human diets and population nutrition.


Prof. dr. Carl Lachat