What is Ghent University doing to preserve and reinforce the existing greenery and biodiversity? What happens on your campus? What research is going on? And how can you get started?

Biodiversity policy
Ghent University wants to preserve and strengthen the greenery and biodiversity present on its sites, and use greenery and biodiversity as a fully-fledged guiding principle in policy decisions.
- Ghent University as partner in Global Biodiversity Coalition and the Green Deal (in Dutch)

Green and biodiversity at the campus
An ecological green management plan for each campus will determine the management for each zone. In addition, plans will be developed to break up superfluous paving and make it greener.
- Ecological green management plans per campus (in Dutch)
- Unpavement and greening (in Dutch): campus Dunant, campus Sterre
- Top locations: Aelmoeseneiebos, klimaatbos Melle, Plantentuin, campus Sterre

Education and research
Ghent University has many experts who work on biodiversity and green management. Together with them, we give substance to the objectives that have been formulated in the field of green space and biodiversity.
- Research platform Natural Capital
- Forest & Nature Lab
- Living labs around biodiversity

Do you want more?
Do you see opportunities to make greenery more valuable? Or to transform superfluous paving into greenery? Maybe we can help? Or would you like some inspiration?
- Be inspired by great examples from your peers!
- Gardening at campus Sterre and campus Coupure with StuJardin
- You saw something interesting? Go to (search for location 'UGent')
Useful links
More information:
Working group biodiversity: Kris Verheyen
Green manager: Jan De Doncker