Strategies to Promote Intestinal Health In Broiler Chickens

de Souza, Marielen
Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Vakgroep Pathobiologie, Farmacologie en Bijzondere Dieren
Gezamenlijk doctoraat
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Marielen de Souza was born on October 19th, 1993, in Jacarezinho city, located within the state of Paraná, Brazil, into a family with a longstanding agrarian heritage. From an early age, her fascination with veterinary sciences was palpable. Upon entering high school, she pursued education at a technical institution, culminating in the acquisition of an agricultural technician diploma in 2010. It was during this period, catalyzed by internships and the influence of her grandfather, a poultry farmer himself, that her passion for poultry sciences took root. In 2015, she graduated from Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) with a bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine, she undertook a mandatory internship at a commercial poultry hatchery and breeders' farm, further deepening practical knowledge in the field. Following this, embarked on a Residency in Avian Medicine at UEL, under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Ana Angelita S. Baptista, graduating in 2017. The year 2020 heralded the defense of her master’s thesis, titled “Effects of Lactobacillus spp. in broilers challenged with deoxynivalenol,” under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ana Paula F. R. L. Bracarense. In March 2020, she commenced her doctoral journey in Animal Science at UEL, once again under the esteemed supervision of Prof. Dr. Ana Paula F. R. L. Bracarense. The following year, she embarked on an internship with the Livestock Gut Health Team (LiGHT) at UGent, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Filip Van Immersseel. This collaboration culminated in the successful application and approval of a joint Ph.D. program between UEL and UGent in 2022. Her docotral research endeavors primarily focused on evaluating strategies to enhance the intestinal health of broilers in the face of antinutritional, toxic, and sanitary challenges commonly encountered in poultry farming, including non-starch polysaccharides, the mycotoxin Deoxynivalenol, and Necrotic Enteritis. Throughout her academic odyssey, she collaborated with esteemed research groups to publish 14 manuscripts in various scientific peer-reviewed journals and disseminated her findings at numerous poultry congresses both domestically and internationally, thereby contributing to the scholarly discourse in avian sciences.
Academische graad
Doctor in de diergeneeskundige wetenschappen
Taal proefschrift
Prof. Dr. Filip Van Immerseel, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent - Prof. Dr. Ana Paula F. R. L. Bracarense, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UEL

Korte beschrijving

Intestinal health significantly influences animal welfare, performance, and profitability in poultry farming. This research project aimed to assess the detrimental effects of prevalent intestinal challenges in poultry, including intestinal diseases (necrotic enteritis), mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol), and antinutritional factors (β-mannan). The study encompassed two main investigations: i. Mitigating effects of Lactobacillus spp. mixture on deoxynivalenol (DON) and Clostridium perfringens (CP) challenge. This segment delved into the impacts of concurrent challenges with DON and CP on broilers' intestinal health and explored the potential of a Lactobacillus spp. mixture in alleviating the associated damage. Broiler chickens (n = 252) were divided into seven groups: Control, DON, CP, CP+DON, VL (DON+CP + viable Lactobacillus spp. mixture), HIL (DON+CP + heat-inactivated Lactobacillus spp. mixture), and LCS (DON+CP + Lactobacillus spp. mixture culture supernatant). The results indicated that the Lactobacillus spp. treatments, irrespective of their presentation forms (viable, heat-inactivated, or culture supernatant), partially protected against the intestinal damage induced by DON and CP challenge. While macroscopic evaluations revealed the highest lesion score in the CP+DON group, the VL and HIL groups exhibited the lowest scores.


Woensdag 24 april 2024, 17:30
Aud Kliniek D, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke

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