Exploring diagnostic markers for gut health evaluation in broilers

Rysman, Katrien
Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Vakgroep Pathobiologie, Farmacologie en Bijzondere Dieren
Katrien Rysman was born on the 28th of September 1994 in Tongeren, Belgium. In 2018, she graduated magna sum laude at Ghent university as a master in veterinary medicine, main subject companion animals. After gaining practical experience in a small animal clinic, she joined the Livestock gut health team (LiGHT) of Professor Van Immerseel and started her PhD at Ghent university in 2019. Her research dealt with about evaluating well-known and novel gut health diagnostics in field samples of broiler chickens. Besides this, she focused on assessing the intestinal permeability with the oral administration of a novel permeability marker in broiler chickens. Katrien is the author of different scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals and presented her results in an international poultry congress.
Academische graad
Doctor in de diergeneeskundige wetenschappen
Taal proefschrift
Prof. Dr. Filip Van Immerseel, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent - Prof. Emeritus Dr. Richard Ducatelle, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent

Korte beschrijving

Intestinal diseases and multifactorial enteric syndromes (as dysbiosis) have increased substantially in broiler chickens, leading to poor performance, welfare issues and economic losses worldwide. Broiler chickens with enteric disease often present with subclinical symptoms. Today’s gut evaluation tests (i.e. macroscopic scoring systems) have multiple limitations (as being rather subjective, time-consuming) and are also not able to diagnose enteric diseases early on in the disease course. This diagnostic gap has launched the search for novel gut health diagnostic methods in commercial broiler chickens. Whilst various diagnostic tools (as histopathological parameters, faecal biomarkers) have been assessed under experimental conditions, the efficacy of gut health diagnostics and the link with other gut health parameters or broiler performance has, as far as we know, seldom been investigated in the field. The general objective of this PhD thesis was to explore well known gut health diagnostic methods (as histopathological parameters) in the field, benchmark novel gut health diagnostics (faecal biomarkers) against them and make associations with broiler performance.


Maandag 6 mei 2024, 17:00
Aud Kliniek A, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke

If you would like to attend, please register before 20/04/2024, by email to katrien.rysman@ugent.be