Symposium 'Meet the PhD jury: Green meets blue - international state-of-the-art on how outdoor environments influence human health'

Voor wie
Medewerkers , Studenten
22-05-2024 van 13:30 tot 17:30
Auditorium Asterias, Ground Floor, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), InnovOcean Campus, Jacobsenstraat 1, 8400 Oostende
Door wie
Department of Public Health and Primary Care - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Learn about how nature reduces stress, how nature can find its way in health care, and what policy-frameworks exist.

This event will bring together scientists aimed at understanding the influence of outdoor environments on human health. The activity will primarily entail an exposition by the research performed at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health by prof dr. Benedict Wheeler, the jury member of Alexander Hooyberg’s doctoral dissertation.

Subsequently, a selection of Belgian’s finest researchers working on nature and health will further demonstrate the transdisciplinary nature of this research field and the challenges faced at the research-policy-implementation interface (dr. Nathalie Michels, Marine Severin, prof dr. ir. Jana Asselman, prof dr. Dirk Avonts, and dr. Paula Kellett).

We finish with a role-playing game and a networking reception. The focus is on the benefits from the environment rather than on the risks.

More info is available via the registration link.

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