Recent Advances in tremors in dogs and cats

Liatis, Theofanis
Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Vakgroep Interne Geneeskunde, Voortplanting en Populatiegeneeskunde
Theofanis (Fanis) Liatis was born in Greece in 1991. He finished Lyceum (High School) in Avlona, a village in Attica and then studied veterinary medicine in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. He graduated with ‘excellent’ in 2015 and after fulfilling the obligatory national military service he returned to his alma matter to complete a 1-year internship in Small Animal Internal Medicine. In 2017, he moved to the UK where he completed in 2.5 years several specialty neurology internships. These were performed at Dick White Referral Veterinary Specialists, the University of Glasgow and the University of Edinburgh. In 2021, he started his ECVN Residency in Veterinary Neurology & Neurosurgery at the Royal Veterinary College in London, UK. On parallel, Fanis started a PhD in tremors in dogs and cats in Ghent University supervised by Prof. Steven De Decker, Prof. Sarne De Vliegher and Dr Sofie Bhatti. Fanis is passionate about research. He has published over 30 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and has actively participated in various national and international conferences. His particular research interests are tremors, movement disorders, neuro-ophthalmology, vestibular syndrome, semiology, infectious diseases of the nervous system and others.
Academische graad
Doctor in de diergeneeskundige wetenschappen
Taal proefschrift
Prof. Steven De Decker, Royal Veterinary College, UK - Prof. Sarne De Vliegher, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent - Dr. Sofie F.M. Bhatti, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent

Korte beschrijving

Tremors in dogs and cats have not been widely investigated in veterinary neurology. It is debatable whether further investigations such as advanced imaging is indicated for some types of tremor. Furthermore, little is known about the treatment and outcome of these tremors. Especially in cats, it is unknown which diseases are the most common causes of tremors. In this thesis, several of the aforementioned questions are attempted to be answered with an aim to elucidate these often enigmatic neurological signs in dogs and cats. The scientific aims of this thesis include describing the signalment, semiology, electrodiagnostic and advanced imaging features, treatment and outcome in idiopathic episodic head tremor and structural episodic head tremor in dogs, dystonic head tremor in dogs, episodic mandibular tremor in dogs and orthostatic tremor and orthostatic tremor – plus in dogs. Additional aims were to investigate the most common underlying causes of tremors and their clinical features in cats, and to evaluate in detail the clinical features of cats with tremors caused by hepatic encephalopathy and congenital portosystemic shunts.


Vrijdag 24 mei 2024, 16:00
Auditoirum A, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke

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