Role of maternal antibodies in the protection of broiler chicks against Campylobacter colonization and their potential in passive immunization

Kristof, Haems
Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Vakgroep Pathobiologie, Farmacologie en Bijzondere Dieren
Kristof Haems was born on May 11, 1995, in Aalst. After completing his secondary education, he began studying Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University in 2013, which he successfully completed with great distinction in 2019. In 2020, he obtained a master's degree in General Management from Vlerick Business School with distinction. Starting from September 2020, he began working as a doctoral fellow at the Department of Pathobiology, Pharmacology, and Zoological Medicine, where he conducted research for 3.5 years on the passive immunization of poultry against Campylobacter . He is the author of several publications in international journals and has actively participated in an international conference. In February 2024 he started working for the Dopharma Holding in the Netherlands.
Academische graad
Doctor in de diergeneeskundige wetenschappen
Taal proefschrift
dr. An Garmyn, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent - Prof. dr. An Martel, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent - Prof. dr. Frank Pasmans, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent

Korte beschrijving

Campylobacter is the leading cause of human gastro-enteritis worldwide. According to EFSA, 137,107 people were affected in 2022, with 50 to 80% of the cases related to consumption of poultry products. The bacterium occurs in very high numbers in the caeca of chickens, leading to a large number of infected chicken carcasses that can transmit Campylobacter to humans. In Belgium, 35-80% of broiler flocks are positive for Campylobacter at slaughter age, although flocks are generally not colonized by Campylobacter until chicks are 2 to 3 weeks old. It is generally assumed that chicks are protected from Campylobacter colonization during these first weeks of life by maternal antibodies transported to the chick via the egg yolk.


Woensdag 12 juni 2024, 17:00
Auditorium D, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke

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