In de kijker
feb 19
Lezing 'Laagspanningsinstallaties: ontwerp en exploitatie '
Lokaal 0.1 - lokaal UGain, Technologiepark 60, 9052 Zwijnaarde
feb 20
Studiedag 'Effectief leiderschap '
lokaal 0.1 - lokaal UGain, Technologiepark 60, 9052 Zwijnaarde
feb 20
Uitreiking Sarton Medaille 2025: Prof. Philippe Ciais
Auditorium 1 of the iGent tower, iGent, 126 Zwijnaarde, B-9000 GHENT
feb 21
Happening 'Legal Techathon'
Tech Lane Ghent Science Park (Campus Ardoyen, iGent), Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126
feb 24
I Like the Way I Move: Personalizing Recommendations to Motivate Daily Physical Activity
Coppens, Ine
feb 25
Multi-Scale Damage Evolution Mechanism of Concrete under Coupled Action of Dynamic Load and Freeze-Thaw Cycle
Xu, Yanqun
feb 25
Investigating Protein Flexibility Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations of α-1 Acid Glycoprotein and Large-Scale Normal Mode Analysis of AlphaFold Models
Dixit, Bhawna
feb 26
Oxidative Conversion of Methane: Unravelling the Kinetics and Optimizing the Process for Alternative C₃ Production
Cheng, Yonggang