Voor studenten
jan 20
Lezing 'Syria after Assad: A Long Road to Justice'
Facutly Board Room - Campus Aula , Voldersstraat 3, 9000 Gent
feb 5
Studienamiddag 'Bestuurlijke handhaving van ondermijnende criminaliteit'
Campus Aula
feb 13
Lezing 'Culture vs. the state, the state vs. culture. A talk with Viktor Yerofeyev on today’s Russia and Russian culture'
Auditorium 4 Jaap Kruithof, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent
feb 21
Happening 'Legal Techathon'
Tech Lane Ghent Science Park (Campus Ardoyen, iGent), Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126