maa 13
Symposium 'The Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors in Next Generation Wastewater Treatment'
Diverse locaties
maa 18
Happening 'Wetenschapscafé: Een bloemlezing over bijen'
Atelier Nooitgedacht, Hendrik Consciencestraat 36, 8500 Kortrijk
maa 25
Lezing 'Meet the PhD Jury - Challenges of estimating environmental impacts of cultivated meat'
Room Azalea (Blok A), Campus Coupure, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent
maa 28
The weight of words: how well-intended actions can have big impact
Campus Coupure, Auditorium E3
maa 10
L. monocytogenes in the food industry: environmental monitoring and persistence.
Tuytschaever, Tessa
maa 13
Trace analysis of taste and odour compounds in drinking water: occurrence and formation in Flemish drinking water distribution networks.
Mol, Zoë
maa 14
Advancing the integration of raw materials criticality into life cycle sustainability assessment of products.
Corrêa Hackenhaar, Isadora
maa 24
Strategies for improving the recovery of functional proteins from potato trimmings and soybean okara.
Van den Wouwer, Ben