sep 13
Lezing 'Analytical tools for clinically useful tests'
Auditorium A2 - Building S9 - Campus De Sterre, Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent
sep 26
Symposium 'Biophysical Studies and Chemical Modifications of Nucleic Acids Structures'
Vergaderzaal 3.1, gebouw S2, Campus de Sterre, krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent
okt 14
Symposium 'Third Brain Barriers Belgium'
UGent-VIB-onderzoeksgebouw, Technologiepark 71, 9052 Zwijnaarde
sep 12
Phosphorylation and ubiquitination-mediated signalling in Arabidopsis root and hypocotyl growth
Pan, Lixia
sep 13
When vitamins meet: Multi-biofortification of rice through metabolic engineering
Verbeecke, Vincent
sep 27
Hydrogeophysical characterization of saltwater intrusions in the Southern Central Region, Vietnam
Cong Thi, Diep
sep 27
Unravelling the secrets of aptamer−small molecule complexes with NMR spectroscopy - the TESS.1 aptamer case
Schellinck, Sofie